Social Concern/Social Justice Issue

Social justice and its concerns relate to how well people in society understand their potential to make important changes. A number of issues continue to pose problems in today’s society including race, discrimination and unfair treatment of others. Sometimes people need to realize when to stop being childish and immature and start growing up. There are issues that continue to be an ongoing problem for children and adults, but due to selfish acts and lack of understanding, the change you want to see still has yet to materialize. This form of thinking is what keeps change from happening or from being recognized.

There are controversies that occur from crimes committed and people will get facts and faith mixed up. People will state facts based on what they think happened. Others are confident that the crime occurred because of something that can’t be proved. In short, different elements of social justice tend to be mixed up causing confusion and unjust. Tensions run high when people feel strongly about something they may not be able to prove. For others there is the issue of understanding who to believe and who to blame. A large number of people simply feel if we can get past the blame and own up responsibility beneficial change will come to pass.

In society many people know they have a voice; they just are not sure how to use it. Some take things a little too far and create problems on top of problems. Others work hard to see change and are willing to do the work behind it with the help of others. Everyone has a voice no matter how you look or your personal beliefs. The problem is making things work to where everyone can be happy. The problem here is there are people who can care less about making others feel good about where they are in life. A few are selfish, arrogant and inconsiderate; but these people have a place in the world too.

Understanding your rights is a good place to start. From here you have an idea of where to go to exercise your rights and your place in the community. Somehow there are obstacles that continue to push people back. Women feel they are not treated equally. Blacks tend to be blamed for doing certain things because of their color. People with mental disabilities may not be treated fairly. Issues like this go on and on but when will we put a stop to them?

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